Happy Saturday!
Well I'm here in Portugal enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. It's been about 2 weeks now since I have arrived and have enjoyed every minute of it! There's so much to do here. Where I'm staying, I'm about a 20 minute drive and a short ferry away from Spain. The boat ride is stunning at sunset!
Our first stop was to La Guardia, Spain to see the view from the top of Monte Santa Tecla! This mountain was established in 1913 and holds years of history and some beautiful scenery. The drive to the top of the mountain is my favourite part. As you get higher, the views are incredible! You can see parts of Portugal and Spain. Up at the top, you'll find old remains, a nice walking path to the very tip, a hotel, some stores and cafes, and a picturesque view. The history part is cool, but I enjoyed the view the most! It was a breezy, overcast day, which was perfect lighting for some pictures. What a view!
Our next stop was down to the Marina in La Guardia. You can see this view from the top of Monte Santa Tecla. The houses in Spain are different from Portugal. There is a lot more colour and brightness to the towns, I've noticed. I'm drawn to colour and creativity. Even the boats were colourful!
La Guardia is a busy, little town. It was a Friday night and the streets were actually quite full of people. There are beautiful murals and a downtown city centre with the most adorable shops. And cats. Lots of cats everywhere. It seems the people of Spain feed them, keeping them healthy, but they generally don't belong to anybody in particular.
Our next stop was down to the Marina in La Guardia. You can see this view from the top of Monte Santa Tecla. The houses in Spain are different from Portugal. There is a lot more colour and brightness to the towns, I've noticed. I'm drawn to colour and creativity. Even the boats were colourful!
La Guardia is a busy, little town. It was a Friday night and the streets were actually quite full of people. There are beautiful murals and a downtown city centre with the most adorable shops. And cats. Lots of cats everywhere. It seems the people of Spain feed them, keeping them healthy, but they generally don't belong to anybody in particular.
Finally, we visited an old cathedral in Tui, Spain. Honestly the most detailed and beautiful architecture. It stands tall and draws you in. It's crazy how gorgeous buildings like this still stand after years of modernizing the world. I am in complete awe, as always, of the world God has created. I dream to see every inch of what our Creator has given us.

Well, thanks for reading guys! I absolutely love to travel, and taking pictures makes my heart so happy!! I hope you guys enjoy reading about the places I visit, as much as I enjoy writing about them. If you dream of travelling, what are you waiting for?! That full-time job, buying a house, finishing that last semester of school... It can all wait! You may not think so, but I promise. And it will be SO worth it once you see what this world has to offer!
Tia, xo